Could not associate motion to current model

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William Edwards
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Could not associate motion to current model

Post by William Edwards » Fri May 21, 2010 12:38 pm


Has anyone had trouble visualizing ground reaction forces from .mot files? I can view it using preview motion data, but when I try to load it I get this error message:

'Could not associate motion to current model'.

I'm doing work with upper extremity falls and am just trying to visualize the grf during the landing. However, I also get this same error message when using an example model (Gait2354_simbody) with its associated example .mot file subject01_walk1_grf.mot.

What am I doing wrong here. Do I need to change something in the model file?



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Ayman Habib
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RE: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by Ayman Habib » Fri May 21, 2010 2:24 pm


To associate a motion with a model, OpenSim tries to see if there is coordinate data in the file, because otherwise the association is only based on time which you can do by synchronizing motions in the GUI rather than loading and associating the motion with the model.

Does that explain?

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William Edwards
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RE: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by William Edwards » Mon May 24, 2010 8:57 am


I should apologize for starting this thread in the discussion rather than the users forum, my mistake.

What you are saying makes sense. However, even if the .mot file has coordinate data I cannot get the motion to load in the model. It is also not very clear to me on how to synchronize two motions. The synch option never seems to be available (its there and I can see it, but I can't click on it).


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Ayman Habib
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RE: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by Ayman Habib » Mon May 24, 2010 12:28 pm


I'm not sure how you create your motion files, but it's possible there's something with the headers/tabs/spaces that confuses the parser. Excel and Matlab sometimes introduce these problems. If you can submit the model and motion in a bug report I can take a look and let you know.

On synchronizing motions, you have to have two models (one of them could be just data-previewing) and select both motions (from the two models) simultaneously (with shift-click), then you can sync. the motions.

Hope this helps,

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John Rogers
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by John Rogers » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:48 pm

Hi Ayman and all,
I have a similar problem.
I have run inverse kinematics, and now I need inverse dynamics.
When I preview the grf.mot file, all I see is the yellow-red-green axis system.
1. How can I visualize the forces?
2. the marker motion data .trc file and the grf.mot files have different data rates, is that OK?
3. If I try to load motion, grf.mot file, I get "could not associate motion to current model." Should I be trying to load the grf.mot?

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Ayman Habib
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by Ayman Habib » Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:58 pm

Hi John,

1. to Visualize the forces you have two options: either preview motion data (which makes some assumptions about file headers to define forces) or associate motion data (then you'll be allowed to define what to visualize and frames, shapes, etc.) which is more flexible but requires user interaction.
2. The data rates being different is not an issue (when you position the motion slider at a specific time, it samples each motion at the desired time).
3. If the grf file has no coordinates then the behavior is explained by earlier messages in this thread. you can use the "associate motion data" feature however ad load externalLoads file to visualize the forces.

Hope this helps and please let me know if you continue to have questions.

Best regards,

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John Rogers
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by John Rogers » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:42 am

Thanks Ayman,
I understand what you are saying, but I am having trouble doing it.
I would like to view ground reaction forces (file transformed_comfortable3_grf.mot too large to Attach)
synchronized with IK results:
(529.47 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
according to load specification:
(2.81 KiB) Downloaded 35 times
I am trying to follow directions here: ... h+a+Motion

I see my running model and a ground force arrow, but the arrow is not moving.

Thanks for any help.

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John Rogers
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by John Rogers » Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:08 am

Here are the other files:
(483.43 KiB) Downloaded 46 times
(15.58 KiB) Downloaded 42 times
Here are screen shots of what I am doing.
associate GRF.docx
(371.7 KiB) Downloaded 73 times
The green GRF arrow appears, but it is not moving.

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John Rogers
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by John Rogers » Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:41 am

The grf file in my previous post has a problem. Here is the original:
(1.19 MiB) Downloaded 70 times

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Ayman Habib
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Re: Could not associate motion to current model

Post by Ayman Habib » Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:36 am

Hi John,

There are issues with the format of the latest file, for example:
#columns = 19 in header while there're only 6 entries per row
there're empty and trailing tabs on each line

Trying to plot the data from the file using the Plotter shows how it's interpreted by OpenSim. Plotting the trajectory of px,py,pz shows random patterns that explain why the forces don't show up properly.

Please consult the page below for documentation regarding the file layout, in the meantime please file a bug report and attach the file so that we report better diagnostic error messages. ... t%29+Files

Best regards