In order to begin compiling, I followed the instructions here: ... ep+Example
Using Windows 10, CMake 3.4.3 and Visual Studio 15 I had to make some adjustments in order to compile the TugOfWar1_CreateModel.cpp model. Namely:
* I generated the solution file with Visual Studio 14 2015 as my generator.
* I removed the definitions for the 'signbit' and 'timespec' objects.
* Downloaded a SimTKlapack.lib which seemed to be missing in my OpenSim library.
This allowed me to successfully compile. However, when following the next tutorial, e.g. ... n+Part+One
I ran into some trouble. Basically, after I add the block and the joint elements I can still compile the program, but running the executable causes errors:
I haven't been able to figure what's the problem, and any insights would be appreciated.Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF95CF9E71C (ntdll.dll) in exampleMain.exe: 0xC0000374: A heap has been corrupted (parameters: 0x00007FF95CFF22B0).