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RE: CMC for other activities

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:13 am
by erkang
Thank Becca for the suggestions.

I have changed the COM and lock the mtp and subtalar angles. Now the average residuals before adjusting torso COM and d-mass are significantly decreased, although the absolute magnitude are still large comparing to the Gait2354 example.
I am wondering what is the residual magnitude for your model. Thank again.

The following are the outputs of RRA
Computing average residuals between 0.12 and 0.7
Average residuals before adjusting torso COM:
FX=-19.4013 FY=-58.5832 FZ=65.6652
MX=-293.358 MY=2.29074 MZ=-41.0848

torso weight = 362.705
dx=-0.1, dz=0.1

dmass = 5.97383

Recommended mass adjustments:
ground: orig mass = 0, new mass = 0
pelvis: orig mass = 12.7226, new mass = 13.6586
femur_r: orig mass = 10.0483, new mass = 10.7875
tibia_r: orig mass = 4.0052, new mass = 4.29986
talus_r: orig mass = 0.10803, new mass = 0.115977
calcn_r: orig mass = 1.35037, new mass = 1.44972
toes_r: orig mass = 0.233992, new mass = 0.251207
femur_l: orig mass = 10.0483, new mass = 10.7875
tibia_l: orig mass = 4.0052, new mass = 4.29986
talus_l: orig mass = 0.10803, new mass = 0.115977
calcn_l: orig mass = 1.35037, new mass = 1.44972
toes_l: orig mass = 0.233992, new mass = 0.251207
torso: orig mass = 36.9857, new mass = 39.7067

Computing average residuals between 0.12 and 0.7
Average residuals after adjusting torso COM:
FX=13.797 FY=-90.0992 FZ=-14.9496
MX=-133.596 MY=38.5416 MZ=122.202