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Distorted Model after Scaling

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:36 am
by saylee.p
I have converted the c3d using "c3dExport.m" script. And I am using those .trc and .mot files for analysis. When I Scaled the model, I can see problems:
1. Foot distortion
2. Hyper extension in one knee joint, (the subject doesn't have this problem)
I have more than 2 static files for the same subject but the errors are same with both files.
I tried scaling the model for two different subjects but in both the cases the foot distortion problem is same. Whereas, In second model, there is not issue with the hyper extension.
Also, If I run the IK on this model with a walk trial the foot distortion problem remains the same but the extension of knee joint reduces.
Why does this problem occur?

Re: Distorted Model after Scaling

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:17 am
by jimmy
You will need to include pictures of the issue or data and models before anyone can comment.

Re: Distorted Model after Scaling

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:08 am
by saylee.p
Yes sir,
I have attached screenshots of distorted foot from simulation and scaling error here.