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Compute the total angular momentum of a model

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:05 am
by rogerpallares
Hello all,

I'm working with OpenSim API 3.3 to perform simulations in an optimal control algorithm. I wanted to compute the total angular momentum about the COM of the model. For now I found the function calcBodyMomentumAboutBodyMassCenterInGround() that calculates the angular and linear momenta about the COM of each body of the model. However, I would like to obtain the angular momentum of the whole multibody system. Is there any function that computes what I look for? Or do you have any suggestion for calculating it?

Any help or idea is really appreciated. Thanks!


Re: Compute the total angular momentum of a model

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:34 pm
by mitkof6

Code: Select all

SimTK::SpatialVec momentum =model.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin(state);