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Opensim Coordinate Tap and rotation relationship

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 4:47 am
by hilarycheng
Hi all,

In opensim, we can use the slide bar in the Coordinate Tap to change the Coordinate values. How the changes of these values relates to rotations(rotate about which frame for how many degree)?


Re: Opensim Coordinate Tap and rotation relationship

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:56 am
by jimmy
That will depend on how the joint is modeled. You can open the model in a text editor and read it to find out. This paper is also probably worth reading.

Re: Opensim Coordinate Tap and rotation relationship

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 2:08 am
by hilarycheng

Thanks for the reply.
I have read the paper above. I would like to ask
1) Is 'Mobilizer coordinates (q)' means the parameters that we can tune in the Opensim GUI 'Coordinates' tap? eg. Shoulder flexion/ shoulder elevation.
2) How can I know the numerical/analytical relationship between the Euler angles(theta) and Mobilizer coordinates(q) (equation (18) of the paper) that the model developer define? Can I know it from the Opensim GUI? or Can I access it through Matlab?
Thanks!! =)
