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OpenSim 4.0 Problems with Model Versions and their Motion Files

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 5:23 am
by leifericgoebel

I updated my OpenSim to 4.0 now. I worked through the Tutorials and everything worked fine. However since the update I get the error message from the attachement.

I already tried to do the Inverse Kinematics. But I do not have a setup file for every model like the "leg6dof9musc.osim" file.

Then I tried to use the ScriptingShell command. I manged to save the model in a model variable as decribed in this link provided in the Forum. ... penSim+4.0

Afterwards I tried to execute the "updatePre40KinematicsFilesFor40MotionType()" method from my model. However I get the error message, that such method does not exist.

I don't know how i can update my motion files to OpenSim 4.0.

What is my mistake or which commands I do have to use to actually update my motion files.

Best regards

Re: OpenSim 4.0 Problems with Model Versions and their Motion Files

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:12 am
by jimmy
Afterwards I tried to execute the "updatePre40KinematicsFilesFor40MotionType()" method from my model. However I get the error message, that such method does not exist.
What is the code you are using and where are you trying to execute it?