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Accelerations of Tibia

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 1:21 am
by hhj
Hello everyone,

I want to know the detailed calculation process of Joint Reactions Analysis. I do not know how to determine the accelerations of tibia. is there any method to determine the data?

Re: Accelerations of Tibia

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 4:15 am
by mitkof6

You can find more details here: ... 13640136aa

The body acceleration is determined from kinematic measurements numerically:

1. Kinematics (from IK) are filtered
2. Smooth splines are fitted
3. High order derivatives are calculated using the splines
4. Body kinematics are determined from the relationship between parent and child bodies, and the motion of the joint

You can perform BodyKinematics analysis using the AnalyzeTool.