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Transtibial gait simulation

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:21 pm
by davitor3
I am researching about influence of foot prosthetic aligment on transtibial gait and i have a question. I saw this article about influence of foot prosthetic stiffness on transtibial gait and i would like know if this aproach (figure 1) is reproducible in Opensim? I want to run a entire transtibial gait cylcle and change prosthetic foot aligment each run. I thougt article aproach is similar to CMC tool but I am not sure because CMC needs GRF data and article aproach uses a foot contact model to replace GRF data. Also, I want to know if it is a good aproach or what is the best way to do it?

Figure 1

Thank you a lot for you attention

Re: Transtibial gait simulation

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:05 am
by jimmy
if this aproach (figure 1) is reproducible in Opensim?
CMC tool but I am not sure because CMC needs GRF data
No, it doesn't require GRF to run-- if you want resonable muscle estimates from CMC you should account for the forces on the model, and in walking that would mean including the GRF's.
Also, I want to know if it is a good aproach or what is the best way to do it?
That depends on your research question and your access to the tools you have at your disposal. I would suggest doing a literature review.

Re: Transtibial gait simulation

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 3:53 pm
by davitor3
Thank you :P
No, it doesn't require GRF to run-- if you want resonable muscle estimates from CMC you should account for the forces on the model, and in walking that would mean including the GRF's.
Ok, I get it. The main issue is at this moment i dont have GRF data. For this reason I was wondering if there is any problem using CMC tool with foot contact model (figure 1), in this case hunt-crossley model.
That depends on your research question and your access to the tools you have at your disposal. I would suggest doing a literature review
My research question: If i modify foot aligment parameters, what will be the kinetic and kinematic consequences on transtibial gait?
After long literature review i found that i could use dynamic optimization framework to answer research question. I think CMC is similar like that but i was not sure about it.

Thank you once again.