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Inverse Dynamics problem

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:33 am
by nisslda

my name is Daniel and I'm using OpenSim tyring to calculate joint forces during gait. To do so, I've collected marker data with our markerless MoCap system (Organic Motion) as well as with our Smartsuite, which collects the marker data using IMU sensors.

With said marker data it's no problem for me to scale the model (FullBodyModel_SimpleArms_Hamner2010) and calculate the kinematics. Now I'm having trouble to compute the net joint forces and moments via ID in OpenSim.

If I try to run the ID tool it comes up with the following error message:

java.lang.RuntimeException: SimTK Exception thrown at gcvsplutil.h:82:
Bad call to Simbody API method GCVSPLUtil::gcvspl(): The values in x must be strictly increasing
(Required condition 'ier != 2' was not met.)
at org.opensim.modeling.opensimActuatorsAnalysesToolsJNI.InverseDynamicsTool_run(Native Method)
at org.opensim.tracking.InverseDynamicsToolModel$InverseDynamicsToolWorker.construct(
at org.opensim.swingui.SwingWorker$
[catch] at

I found a thread (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=8583&p=0&start=0&view=) to this problem here, but it seems like there's no proper solution to this (at least for me). If anyone has a few tips to help me fix this problem please let me know.

Best regards,

PS: If anymore information is needed, I'll try to provide it

Re: Inverse Dynamics problem

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:21 am
by mitkof6
Try examining the "time" values of the input files provided to ID. They should be strictly increasing.