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pelvis for 50th percentile male

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:36 pm
by alston
I'm trying to create my own model to examine head and neck motions while running. Ideally I would like to create a model that represents a 50th percentile male. I've gotten a lot of help from the lower body and upper body models that people have already posted. And I am really grateful to everyone who has worked on those models. One of the problems that I have is that the pelvis in the lower body seems to be off. Has any one come across this? Or is my model off?

Joseph Alston
University of Utah

RE: pelvis for 50th percentile male

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:46 pm
by alston
Let me be more specific. I noticed that the pubic symphision and the antero-superior iliac spine are typically vertical from each other. At least according to an anatomy book that I have. Thus I was wondering does any one knew what kind of standard deviation exists in the pelvic tilt of an average human standing up?