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Minimum number of muscle

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:11 pm
by ayushrai
Is there way to decide minimum number of muscle in model to archive certain kinematics motion?

Re: Minimum number of muscle

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:09 am
by tkuchida
Is there way to decide minimum number of muscle in model to archive certain kinematics motion?
It depends on the motion. For example, no matter how many muscles you add to a model, it will be unable to achieve certain poses. Assuming the muscles have reasonable parameters, the model will be unable to achieve certain accelerations, jump over a building, etc. One rough strategy could be to start with a simple model and build complexity as necessary. The broader question is, "what model suits my research question?" There's some discussion on that topic in this paper: Hicks et al. "Is my model good enough? Best practices for verification and validation of musculoskeletal models and simulations of movement." ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 137(2):020905, 2015. ... ks2015.pdf