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Results of JointReaction

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:04 am
by hhj
Hello everyone,
I am learning to perform gait analysis with opensim. But the result of JointReaction is very strange, the result of JointReaction(figure 1) is very large, but I can't find the reason. Can someone help me?

Re: Results of JointReaction

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 6:37 am
by mitkof6
There are many possibilities:

1. Make sure that the kinematic input is in degrees or radians by inspecting the .mot files.
2. Make sure that you apply the external forces correctly. You can verify this by performing inverse dynamics and observing the resulting moments.
3. Make sure to apply muscle forces that you calculated from static optimization for the same kinematics and externally applied forces.

A nice tutorial: