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Real-Time Forward Kinematics Visualization in OpenSim GUI ??

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:47 pm
by rejinjv

I want to use OpenSim to visualize movements in real-time using joint angles that have been sent to OpenSim from an external application (via TCP/IP) etc. Can this be done? I have a stream of joint angles being generated in MATLAB/Python and I would like to send it over to the GUI for visualization in real-time. Is there a way to do this using either C++ API or by scripting in the GUI itself?

Thank you,


Rejin John Varghese

Re: Real-Time Forward Kinematics Visualization in OpenSim GUI ??

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:03 pm
by aymanh

If you could write a jython script in the GUI shell and have it "listen" to updates to coordinates then you can apply these changes to the current model in the GUI using the standard API call to setCoordinate. If you can create/update the state under the model in the API visualizer then you can use show(state) to update the visualization. Depends on what tools you're comfortable with.

Best regards and please let us know how it goes if it can help other users on the forum.