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SimbodyEngine vs. SimmKinematicsEngine

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:18 am
by alston
I'm trying to create a full body simulation and I noticed that there are two different dynamics engines. In my model I am trying to include the patella. The gait2345 model does not include it, Sam Hemner's comments it out. Both of those models use the SimbodyEngine. The model named BothLegs, that can be downloaded includes the patella, but used the SimmKinematicsEngine. When I try to change the BothLegs model to use the SimbodyEngine I get the following error:

SimbodyEngine.addRigidBodies: ERR- only Rot2Planar custom joints are supported.

My question is, does it matter which dynamics engine you use? If so, which one is better? And if SimbodyEngine is better, how do I modify the patella joint such that it will work?

RE: SimbodyEngine vs. SimmKinematicsEngine

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:12 pm
by samner
Hi Joseph,

Hopefully, this response to another post answers your question: