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Deformable femur model

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:19 am
by danielleib
Good morning all,

I've recently become interested in the possibility of using the deformable femur model (or modifying it to a tibia) to investigate surgical consequences for CP patients. I'm not sure how to use the downloaded model in OpenSim, however. I've imported the SIMM model and converted it, but I can't figure out how to adjust the bones to simulate deformities that might be seen in CP. Is it possible to deform the model within OpenSim? Or should the phd/VTP files be taken to another software, such as Rhino or Paraview, for editing?

Thanks for your help,


RE: Deformable femur model

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:11 am
by ploan

Deform objects (and constraint objects) are not
currently supported in OpenSim. It's hard to say
if/when they will be supported; there are not
any plans to add them in the next 6-12 months,
but that could change.

You could use software such as Rhino to deform the
bones in the model, but that would not update the
joint parameters, wrap objects, muscle attachment
points, and other properties that move with the
bones. I think your best bet is to use SIMM to
deform the model, and then import it into OpenSim
(assuming you need OpenSim's more advanced
dynamic analyses; if not you can do the entire
analysis in SIMM).


Re: Deformable femur model

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:30 am
by maryam
I wanted to know if deform objects (and constraint objects) are now supported in OpenSim.
