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OpenSim 4 0 on Mac no Examples and Default Models

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 10:33 am
by patrickmai2710

I'm have installed OpenSim on my Mac.
I'm a OpenSim beginner. Therefore I try to click through the example 3

Gait2354_Simbody folder in your default OpenSim resources directory \Documents\OpenSim\Models"
Unfortunately, the Model folder \Documents\OpenSim\Models is is neither in my privat Documents folder nor in the shared Documents folder after installation.
Is there any possibility to additional download the required files and folders?

Thank you in advanced.

Re: OpenSim 4 0 on Mac no Examples and Default Models

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:33 am
by jimmy
When you open the 4.0 GUI for the first time, it asks you where you want to install the resource folder. If you missed that, or not sure where you specified, you can for the GUI to re-ask you by typing installResources() in the GUI scripting shell window.