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Cannot get correct xml file

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:55 pm
by xp080613
I have exported Qualisys qtm file into c3d file. Then I tried to get all the required input files by using the MATLAB function provided by . I managed to get the trc file but not the xml files. Can anyone help?

The model I am using is Rajagopal full body model, however in the experiment, I didn't have sufficient markers hence I only focus on the upper extremity.

Here are the c3d files I am using. ... PXCAkOMCz3

Re: Cannot get correct xml file

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:42 am
by aymanh

Can you please detail what are you trying to do in OpenSim? The project you referred to is rather obsolete, there are detailed descriptions for how to wire OpenSim to Matlab in all recent versions of OpenSim, documentation here ... ith+Matlab

Hope this helps,