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Scaling Issues in Opensim

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:16 pm
by vinuthasam
Hi hello,
I am a beginner with Opensim software.I want to do IK and ID in opensim for Gait 2392 model and am using my own marker set for scaling. Whenever I try to perform scaling the lower limb starts increasing in size if not the upper body bends and the model is at 90 degree. I am not sure what might be the issues. Kindly help me with that

Re: Scaling Issues in Opensim

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 10:51 am
by mitkof6
I suggest that you go through the user guide and familiarize yourself: ... ling+Works

These videos demonstrate the use of scaling:

It is hard to tell what is wrong. Sometimes it helps to preview (File -> Preview experimental data) the marker trajectories (.trc file) that you use for scaling. Also, you can check whether the markers are assigned to the correct body.