flushing and loading models to/from file
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 2:23 pm
I was playing with one of the example files (this one: ${OPENSIM_HOME}/share/doc/OpenSim/Code/Python/build_simple_arm_model.py) when I realized that I could save it as an XML file to later load this simple model. This is interesting because one can save some coding to build the model. However, the equivalent code of this example -- the one that uses the saved XML file to reload the model -- needs to set again the state of two coordinates which I was expecting to have been previously recorded in the XML file when the model was once saved. I can't get it why do I need to reset these values. It is important for me to understand it, because I'd like to load models from files rather than recreate them step by step in python.
The code below helps to visualize the test I have made. The lines commented with "#~ " are the parts from the original file that builds the model. In the end, there is the code for loading the same model from a file that represents this example. After initializing the system, I still need to reset the state of two joints that I was expecting to have been recorded when the XML was first created.
The code below helps to visualize the test I have made. The lines commented with "#~ " are the parts from the original file that builds the model. In the end, there is the code for loading the same model from a file that represents this example. After initializing the system, I still need to reset the state of two joints that I was expecting to have been recorded when the XML was first created.
Code: Select all
import opensim as osim
#~ arm = osim.Model()
#~ arm.setName("bicep_curl")
#~ arm.setUseVisualizer(True)
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Create two links, each with a mass of 1 kg, centre of mass at the body's
#~ # origin, and moments and products of inertia of zero.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ humerus = osim.Body("humerus",
#~ 1.0,
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ osim.Inertia(0, 0, 0))
#~ radius = osim.Body("radius",
#~ 1.0,
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ osim.Inertia(0, 0, 0))
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Connect the bodies with pin joints. Assume each body is 1m long.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ shoulder = osim.PinJoint("shoulder",
#~ arm.getGround(), # PhysicalFrame
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ humerus, # PhysicalFrame
#~ osim.Vec3(0, 1, 0),
#~ osim.Vec3(0))
#~ elbow = osim.PinJoint("elbow",
#~ humerus, # PhysicalFrame
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ osim.Vec3(0),
#~ radius, # PhysicalFrame
#~ osim.Vec3(0, 1, 0),
#~ osim.Vec3(0))
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Add a muscle that flexes the elbow (actuator for robotics people).
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ biceps = osim.Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle("biceps", # Muscle name
#~ 200.0, # Max isometric force
#~ 0.6, # Optimal fibre length
#~ 0.55, # Tendon slack length
#~ 0.0) # Pennation angle
#~ biceps.addNewPathPoint("origin",
#~ humerus,
#~ osim.Vec3(0, 0.8, 0))
#~ biceps.addNewPathPoint("insertion",
#~ radius,
#~ osim.Vec3(0, 0.7, 0))
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Add a controller that specifies the excitation of the muscle.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ brain = osim.PrescribedController()
#~ brain.addActuator(biceps)
#~ brain.prescribeControlForActuator("biceps",
#~ osim.StepFunction(0.5, 3.0, 0.3, 1.0))
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Build model with components created above.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ arm.addBody(humerus)
#~ arm.addBody(radius)
#~ arm.addJoint(shoulder) # Now required in OpenSim4.0
#~ arm.addJoint(elbow)
#~ arm.addForce(biceps)
#~ arm.addController(brain)
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Add a console reporter to print the muscle fibre force and elbow angle.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # We want to write our simulation results to the console.
#~ reporter = osim.ConsoleReporter()
#~ reporter.set_report_time_interval(1.0)
#~ reporter.addToReport(biceps.getOutput("fiber_force"))
#~ elbow_coord = elbow.getCoordinate().getOutput("value")
#~ reporter.addToReport(elbow_coord, "elbow_angle")
#~ arm.addComponent(reporter)
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Add display geometry.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ bodyGeometry = osim.Ellipsoid(0.1, 0.5, 0.1)
#~ bodyGeometry.setColor(osim.Vec3(0.5)) # Gray
#~ humerusCenter = osim.PhysicalOffsetFrame()
#~ humerusCenter.setName("humerusCenter")
#~ humerusCenter.setParentFrame(humerus)
#~ humerusCenter.setOffsetTransform(osim.Transform(osim.Vec3(0, 0.5, 0)))
#~ humerus.addComponent(humerusCenter)
#~ humerusCenter.attachGeometry(bodyGeometry.clone())
#~ radiusCenter = osim.PhysicalOffsetFrame()
#~ radiusCenter.setName("radiusCenter")
#~ radiusCenter.setParentFrame(radius)
#~ radiusCenter.setOffsetTransform(osim.Transform(osim.Vec3(0, 0.5, 0)))
#~ radius.addComponent(radiusCenter)
#~ radiusCenter.attachGeometry(bodyGeometry.clone())
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ # Configure the model.
#~ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#~ state = arm.initSystem()
#~ # Fix the shoulder at its default angle and begin with the elbow flexed.
#~ shoulder.getCoordinate().setLocked(state, True)
#~ elbow.getCoordinate().setValue(state, 0.5 * osim.SimTK_PI)
#~ arm.equilibrateMuscles(state)
#~ arm.printToXML('arm.xml')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading model from XML
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
arm = osim.Model('arm.xml')
state = arm.initSystem()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Why do I need this? Isn't it recorded in the model?
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
shoulder = arm.updJointSet().get('shoulder')
elbow = arm.updJointSet().get('elbow')
shoulder.getCoordinate().setLocked(state, True)
elbow.getCoordinate().setValue(state, 0.5 * osim.SimTK_PI)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure the visualizer.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
viz = arm.updVisualizer().updSimbodyVisualizer()
viz.setBackgroundColor(osim.Vec3(0)) # white
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulate.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
manager = osim.Manager(arm)
state = manager.integrate(10.0)