I am trying to make CMC simulations for normal walking, with an external force applied on the pelvis, which would eventually vary within the gait cycle. To simplify for now, I apply a constant vertical force 300 N on the pelvis COM. Ultimately, I wish to compute the metabolic cost using different assistive strategies using the metabolic probes (i.e. different force profiles applied on the pelvis).
I started from experimental data from this project: https://simtk.org/projects/assistloadwalk with opensim 3.3. More specifically, I took a model scaled for a given subject, with IK already done and first. Also, the model inertial parameters was first adjusted from a first RRA pass. I ran a second RRA to adjust the kinematics and then CMC on the normal walking data and using the measured ground reaction forces and successfully reproduce the original CMC results with very low residuals forces.
For the 300 N vertical force applied on the pelvis, I modified the experimentally measured ground reaction forces to account for this new 300 N vertical force applied on the pelvis such that :
Sum measured GRFs (normal walking) = Sum simulated GRFs + pelvis force (Simulation with new external force).
I used a smooth transition assumption to distribute the total force during double support phase (Whole Body Inverse Dynamics over a Complete Gait Cycle Based Only on Measured Kinematics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.06.001 .):

In the end, the above equation is respected.
When I run RRA with the 300 N simulation and modified GRFs, I get the following residuals:
FX = -0.3 N, FY = 100.0 N, FZ = -4.1 N, MX = -9.0 Nm. MY = -0.04 Nm, MZ = 19.0 Nm.
Are the residuals too large? Maybe the FY = 100N is particularly problematic if I rely on the good/ok tables in the troubleshooting guide? Also, there is a large drift on the vertical position of the pelvis (~10-20 cm dependably on the weight of pelvis vertical translation). One hypothesis for the observed discrepancy is that I should also modify the ground reaction moments and/or cop just like I did with the ground reaction force (Much harder to figure out), would this be a mandatory step? I believe that this would mostly affect the MZ residual, which is not the most problematic here, I am right?
Is it even possible to achieve reliable results for what I intend to do with my approach and Opensim?
Thank you so much for your help !