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Error C3DFileAdapter - c3dExport.m Matlab

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:56 am
by mritula
I faced the below error with c3dExport.m
Unrecognized function or variable 'C3DFileAdapter'. Error in osimC3D (line 66) c3dAdapter = C3DFileAdapter(); Error in c3dExport (line 35) c3d = osimC3D(c3dpath,1);
Here are some workarounds to overcome it, which worked for me. Hope this helps someone

* Check for environmental variables for C:\Opensim4.x\bin in Path above other opensim files.
*run confugireOpensim.m again located in..\Opensim4.x\Resouces\Code\Matlab
*Restart Matlab
Run c3dExport.m
