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How large are the residual joint moments and residual actuator forces predicted by CMC as a percentage of the body weigh

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:59 am
by konrad11
Hi Forum,

I am currently solving the tutorials and I stumbled over:
How large are the residual joint moments and residual actuator forces predicted by CMC as a percentage of the body weight of the model?

on: ... +in+Stance

I am wondering, how to calculate a percentage between the body weight in kg and forces in N and moments in Nm?
I could calculate a gravitational force of the body, but even this makes me feel that I am doing something wrong.

Thank you for your help,


Re: How large are the residual joint moments and residual actuator forces predicted by CMC as a percentage of the body w

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:34 am
by ongcf
I think converting body mass to weight first so that it's in units of N is correct. I also think that while calculating the residual forces as a percent of body weight makes sense. Percent body weight makes a little less sense with residual moments since the units aren't the same, but on the whole smaller is better. Some rough guidelines for those can be found at ... +Practices