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wrong cmc results for muscles modeled as path actuator

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 4:55 am
by julka_g
I have a problem with CMC (and also Static Optimization) results for small foot muscles, that are modeled as a path actuator, not muscles.
It seems as if these muscles were not taken into account at all during the simulation. I use the KuLeuven model and I analyze one-legged landing.
Maybe someone knows what to do and how to solve this problem?

Re: wrong cmc results for muscles modeled as path actuator

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 11:07 am
by ongcf
I double checked some of the CMC code, and it does look like it should be using all actuators. Perhaps some questions to try to narrow down the issue:
- Does it look like the kinematics were tracked correctly?
- Do you have a link to the model? And which muscles are not being used?
- Are the muscles always at minimum activation level, or do they sometime go just above the minimum activation?
- What's the relevant CMC optimization weight of these muscles? Have you tried setting these to a very small value to get the optimizer to be more likely to use them?

Re: wrong cmc results for muscles modeled as path actuator

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:05 am
by julka_g
Hi Carmichael Ong,

Thank you so much for your reply. I am sorry to reply now but I had a lot of work..
Here is the link to the model. The attachment (downloads) is in the tab "documentation'.
Below you can see results from Static Optimization (SO) for these muscles and the screenshot from OpenSim how they looks and how they are defined there.
These muscles are included in the simulation, but calculated in a clearly wrong way.
Kinematics were tracked correctly, i checked it. Other muscles in SO were also tracked and calculated correctly. Someting is wrong with muscles modeled as path actuator.
I also attach the input files to SO (zeskok_bez_ik.mot; Actuators)

Thank you and best regards!