Can inverse kinematics output marker positions?

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Thomas Madden
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Can inverse kinematics output marker positions?

Post by Thomas Madden » Tue May 19, 2020 10:04 am

I am interested in obtaining position, velocity, and acceleration of a hypothetical marker location for which I do not have experimental data.

I placed a new marker on the model and used inverse kinematics with the experimental data, but inverse kinematics only outputs the joint angles. Is there a way to output the position of the marker using inverse kinematics or the point kinematics analysis?


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Carmichael Ong
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Re: Can inverse kinematics output marker positions?

Post by Carmichael Ong » Mon May 25, 2020 2:49 pm

I don't believe inverse kinematics will output marker positions specifically. A PointKinematics analysis should be good for this case, however, you'll have to specific the position on a body rather than pointing it at a specific marker. It can, however, be the exact point at which a marker is located already.

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Najoua Assila
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Re: Can inverse kinematics output marker positions?

Post by Najoua Assila » Thu May 28, 2020 4:41 am


I believe running IK, you can also obtain an additional file with markers position. While you can't check it directly in the GUI, you can modify the IK xml file. Specifically the last property of the IK tool <report_marker_locations> should be set to True.