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Problem with models

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 10:52 pm
by sheebadavis

I have updated OpenSim to new version 4.1 and have uninstalled 4.0. When I open the model 3DGaitModel2392, I could see only the muscles and not the body. Following is what displayed in the messages section:

Updating Model file from 20303 to latest format...
Loaded model 3DGaitModel2392 from file C:\Users\MAHE\Documents\OpenSim 4.1\Models\Gait2392_Simbody\gait2392_simbody.osim
Couldn't find file 'treadmill.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'sacrum.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'pelvis.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'l_pelvis.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'femur_r.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'tibia_r.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'fibula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'talus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'foot.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'bofoot.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'femur_l.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'tibia_l.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'l_fibula.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'l_talus.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'l_foot.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'l_bofoot.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'hat_spine.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'hat_jaw.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'hat_skull.vtp'.
Couldn't find file 'hat_ribs.vtp'.
ControllerSet 'Controllers' was renamed and is being reset to 'controllerset'.
ComponentSet 'MiscComponents' was renamed and is being reset to 'componentset'.

Kindly help me with this issue. Thanks in advance.

Sheeba Davis

Re: Problem with models

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:09 am
by aymanh
Resolved on this thread
viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=12175&p=0&sta ... 026ec979a3

Thanks Emily,
