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Matlab Simulation Error

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:53 pm
by mikaelkoeneke
Hello everyone,

I've been trying to run a model simulation in Matlab, but I keep getting this error:

Exception caught in Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle::calcMuscleDynamicsInfo from DELT1
Exception caught in Millard2012EquilibriumMuscle::calcFiberVelocityInfo from DELT1
SimTK Exception thrown at MuscleFixedWidthPennationModel.cpp:169:
Error detected by Simbody method MuscleFixedWidthPennationModel::calcPennationAngularVelocity: Fiber length cannot be zero.
(Required condition 'fiberLength > 0' was not met.)

I'm trying to mimic the "build_and_simulate_simple_arm.m" example given in the files, but with our model instead of building one. I talked to my professor and she said the code could be reading the fiber length as NaN.

Here is the test code we're trying to run:


import org.opensim.modeling.*
modelFile = 'MOBL_ARMS_6_29_18_4.1.osim';
model = Model(modelFile);

muscles = model.getMuscles();
BIClong = muscles.get("BIClong");
elb = model.getJointSet().get('elbow') ;
elbflex = elb.getCoordinate();

reporter = ConsoleReporter();
reporter.addToReport(elb.getCoordinate().getOutput('value'), 'elbow_angle');

state = model.initSystem();

manager = Manager(model);
state = manager.integrate(10);

Any guidance would be helpful.

Re: Matlab Simulation Error

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:37 am
by tkuchida
You might try plotting the muscle fiber length to get a sense of what's going on and diagnose the issue (e.g., using the MuscleAnalysis, ... lysis.html). You could also check the publication accompanying the model to ensure you aren't using it beyond the range of motion for which it was designed.