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Save .trc file on matlab

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:32 pm
by sanchanak

I have a trc file and I would like to cut a part of the .trc file and save it as a new .trc file in MATLAB(I'm trying to split my trials). I have already cut the data but I don't really know on how to write it back as a .trc file in MATLAB. Is there a function to do this?.

I looked ad importing .trc files in many ways but I'm finding it challenging to print the new header. Please help. Thanks in advance.


Re: Save .trc file on matlab

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:54 am
by tkuchida
This script demonstrates writing a TRC file from Matlab using TRCFileAdapter.write(): ... e_tables.m (lines 89-95).