OpenSim 4.1 - External Body Adding to Osim Model

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Burak Kula
Posts: 31
Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:34 pm

OpenSim 4.1 - External Body Adding to Osim Model

Post by Burak Kula » Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:23 am

Hello All,
I have a problem to add a external body to opensim model (opensim document version=40000) in Opensim 4.1.

When I add the body to osim model and define joints between relative parent and child bodies, coordinate that I want to see and coordinate that I obtained is different. For example, I want to see hip flexion but I obtain translation in y-axis.
I checked the osim model, it should make hip flexion but it cannot.

Also If I use "PinJoint" type of joint, I can see external body in Opensim 4.1 as how it is normally (but with wrong coordinate). On the other hand, if I use "CustonJoint" type of joint, external body that I see in Opensim 4.1 has a image that like it is rotated 45 degrees in x- and y- axes.
Again, I checked the model, there is not any rotation angle for that body.

I am waiting for your replies,
Best Regards.
Burak KULA from Bogazici University, Turkey.
