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Choosing marker pairs for scaling

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:48 am
by sheebadavis
Hello OpenSim Community

My default 'Scale measurementSet' file has several marker pairs. But my experimental data has only few markers. Do I choose the marker pairs based on only the experimental markers available?

For ex: In the default 'Scale measurementSet' file, the marker pair used to scale the Pelvis height is R.ASIS and R.HJC. But my experimental data does not have R.HJC, so do i skip that marker pair totally? Or Can i use R.ASIS and R.GREATERTROCHANTER instead for calculating Pelvis height? or Am I supposed to choose the marker pairs based on what experimental markers are available?

Any help would be appreciable. Thanks in advance.


Re: Choosing marker pairs for scaling

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:45 am
by tkuchida
The following webinar may be helpful if you haven't seen it already: "OpenSim Webinar: Tips and Tricks for Data Collection, Scaling and Inverse Kinematics in OpenSim",