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console reporter

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:56 am
by hamed1994

when I run the code for the arm model in the following link:
I can see the results stored in the "out.log" in the Current Folder.
I want to print the information of the out.log file to my console, how can I do it ??

Thank you,

Re: console reporter

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:30 am
by tkuchida
I presume you're using Matlab. If I recall correctly, OpenSim may fail to print to the Matlab Command Window if there are version conflicts (e.g., if one uses a 32-bit version of Java or the JVM while the other uses a 64-bit version). This may be platform-specific and dependent on other settings, and therefore difficult to diagnose on the Forum. One possible workaround is to just open the out.log file in a text editor after OpenSim has finished executing. You could also open the file and print its contents to the Matlab Command Window automatically (using "fopen", etc.).