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Anthropometric Measurements of Femur and Tibia of Gait2392

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:56 am
by deepak.singh
Hello Everyone,

I would like to know about the anthropometric measurements of tibia and fibula of both lower extremities in the generic model Gait2392 or a link to any reference study which contains the requisite information.
I am beginner in using Opensim. I have been experimenting with manual scaling of the femur length and tibia length to observe their effect on kinematics and kinetics through inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics.
In the near future, I may conduct a pilot study wherein the anthropometric measurements of femur and tibia will be recorded from different subjects and then the lower extremities of the models Gait2392 will be scaled as per them. Then, the effects of different femur and tibia lengths and leg length discrepancy will be analyzed.
Please help as soon as possible.

Deepak Singh

Re: Anthropometric Measurements of Femur and Tibia of Gait2392

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:33 pm
by ongcf
Info about some models can be found on the documentation website: ... tal+Models

If you click on "Model Description" under the entry for gait2392, another page will open up with sources detailing from where these measurements were taken.