custom contact model not consistent with Hunt-Crossley Model

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Kaiwen Yang
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custom contact model not consistent with Hunt-Crossley Model

Post by Kaiwen Yang » Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:59 am


I am trying to implement smooth Contact model ... Force.html and compute GRF after setting the states (q and qdot) and check whether my computed value is consistent with the value reported from OpenSim HuntCrossley Contact model. I am able to get vertical direction close (y-axis) but not in the tangential direction (x and z). I think the way I calculate contact point velocity might be incorrect. However, I cannot figure out what exactly is causing the error. I am attaching my code here. Please let me know what did I do wrong. Although tanh function is used, I don't think this is the reason that causing the difference.

I been trying to debug this for 2 days but still no clue... :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Code: Select all

double radius = 0.032; //radius of the contact sphere These parameters are the same in the opensim model
	double groundHeight = 0.005;//height of the contact plane
	double stiffness = 1000000; //stifness of both sphere and plane
	double dissipation = 0.1;
	double us = 0.9; //staticFriction
	double ud = 0.8; //dynamicFriction
	double uv = 0;//viscousFriction
	double vt = 1;//transition velocity
	double cf = 1e-5;
	double bd = 300;
	double bv = 50;
	SimTK::Vec3 normal(0, 1, 0);	//horizontal ground, upward normal vector
	Array<double> Fc_R1 = OsimModel.getForceSet().get("Foot_Ground_R1").getRecordValues(defaultStates);
	//--------------Start computing simulated GRF--------------------------------//
	OsimModel.getSimbodyEngine().getPosition(defaultStates, calcn_r, LocationR1, GlobalR1); // getting sphere origin in global frame
	double indentation = groundHeight - (GlobalR1[1] - radius);// computing penatration depth
	Vec3 Global_contact_point = GlobalR1;
	Global_contact_point[1] = GlobalR1[1] - radius + 1 / 2 * indentation; //adjusting origin of the sphere to actual contact point
	Vec3 Local_contact_point;
	OsimModel.getSimbodyEngine().transformPosition(defaultStates, ground, Global_contact_point, calcn_r, Local_contact_point);// Transform global contact point to local frame
	Vec3 Global_contact_point_velocity;
	OsimModel.getSimbodyEngine().getVelocity(defaultStates, calcn_r, Local_contact_point, Global_contact_point_velocity); //find global frame velocity of the contact point
	Global_contact_point_velocity = -1*Global_contact_point_velocity;
	double vnormal = dot(Global_contact_point_velocity, normal); //getting y directional velocity
	Vec3 vtangent = Global_contact_point_velocity - vnormal*normal; //getting tangent velocity vector. I THINK THIS VELOCITY IS WRONG BUT DONT KNOW WHY
	// Calculate the Hunt-Crossley force. pretty much the same code in Simbody SmoothSphereHalfSpaceForce
	// ----------------smooth version---------------------//
	double k = (1. / 2.)*std::pow(stiffness, 2. / 3.);
	double fh_pos = (4. / 3.)*k*std::sqrt(radius*k)*
		std::pow(std::sqrt(indentation*indentation + cf), 3. / 2.);
	double fh_smooth = fh_pos*(1. / 2. + (1. / 2.)*std::tanh(bd*indentation));
	double c = dissipation;
	double fhc_pos = fh_smooth*(1. + (3. / 2.)*c*vnormal);
	double fhc_smooth = fhc_pos*(1. / 2. + (1. / 2.)*std::tanh(
		bv*(vnormal + (2. / (3.*c)))));
	Vec3 force = fhc_smooth*normal;
	// Calculate the friction force.
	double aux = vtangent.normSqr() + cf;
	double vslip = pow(aux, 1. / 2.);
	double vrel = vslip / vt;
	double ff = fhc_smooth*(std::min(vrel, Real(1))*(ud + 2 * (us - ud) / (1 + vrel*vrel)) + uv*vslip);
	force += ff*(vtangent) / vslip;
	cout << "Indentation: " << indentation << endl;
	cout << "Global_contact_point_velocity: " << Global_contact_point_velocity[0] << "," << Global_contact_point_velocity[1] << "," << Global_contact_point_velocity[2] << "." << endl;
	cout << "Global position of sphere origin: " << endl;
	cout << GlobalR1[0] << "," << GlobalR1[1] << "," << GlobalR1[2] << endl;
	cout << "Global position of contact point: " << endl;
	cout << Global_contact_point[0] << "," << Global_contact_point[1] << "," << Global_contact_point[2] << endl;
	cout << "Local position of sphere origin: " << endl;
	cout << LocationR1[0] << "," << LocationR1[1] << "," << LocationR1[2] << endl;
	cout << "Local position of contact point: " << endl;
	cout << Local_contact_point[0] << "," << Local_contact_point[1] << "," << Local_contact_point[2] << endl;
	cout << "GRF R1 records: " << Fc_R1[6] << ", " << Fc_R1[7] << ", " << Fc_R1[8] << ". " << endl; // print force acting on the sphere
	cout << "Hunt Crossley Contact Force smoothed: " << force[0] << "," << force[1] << "," << force[2] << endl; // printing simulated GRF
	cout << "difference: " << force[0] - Fc_R1[6] << "," << force[1] - Fc_R1[7] << "," << force[2] - Fc_R1[8] << endl;// printing the difference between the two
	cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

Code: Select all

Indentation: 0.015491
Global_contact_point_velocity: -3.02458,2.68598,0.492124.
Global position of sphere origin: 
Global position of contact point: 
Local position of sphere origin: 
Local position of contact point: 
GRF R1 records: -184.643, 228.122, 29.1069. 
Hunt Crossley Contact Force smoothed: -190.157,235.164,30.94
difference: -5.51335,7.04205,1.83316
Last edited by Kaiwen Yang on Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Nicos Haralabidis
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Re: custom contact model not consistent with Hunt-Crossley Model

Post by Nicos Haralabidis » Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:59 am

Hello Kaiwen,

I think the code and calculations for the smooth Hunt-Crossley Model can be found here: ... eForce.cpp

That should be a good starting point I think! Hope that helps!

Kind regards,

Nicos Haralabidis

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Kaiwen Yang
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:25 am

Re: custom contact model not consistent with Hunt-Crossley Model

Post by Kaiwen Yang » Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:26 am

Yes. My code is basically based on that. The difference in my code is that I don't need to add any contact structure to my model. I calculate the force at velocity stage. If you can catch why my code may get a different result, please let me know.