ScaleTool exits on marker placement with ERROR

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Uğur Mengilli
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ScaleTool exits on marker placement with ERROR

Post by Uğur Mengilli » Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:27 am


I've installed OpenSim 4.1 libraries using Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan 8 2020, 20:23:39) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32. I have set the PATH so that it includes the \bin directory. I confirmed using gait2354 model that my python script runs (

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), the executables (scale.exe and opensim-cmd.exe) work in command line, and OpenSim 4.1 performs Scaling too.

The problem, however, is when I'm trying to scale Rajagopal2015 generic model (the most recent version available in simtk) using the setup XML file provided by Dembia et al (loaded walking) in Python. The tool performs the scaling and generates a scaled-only model, but it exits with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) before marker placement. However, the tool succeeds when I use the executables (scale.exe and opensim-cmd.exe) in the command line, and OpenSim 4.1.

I should also note that I was able to perform the scaling with the same files and models two months ago.

Can you please help me find a solution?

Thanks in advance.
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Ayman Habib
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Re: ScaleTool exits on marker placement with ERROR

Post by Ayman Habib » Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:02 pm


Nothing could have changed about OpenSim since your last successful run so I don't expect that to be an OpenSim/code issue. The likely culprit is some change in your environment (e.g. the working directory you run from, since your files have relative paths in them) The fact that you can run from the application/GUI and that you can scale other models from python would lead in this direction. You may want to have all the setup and data files in one folder to start and update the files accordingly then retry.

Please let us know how that goes,

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Uğur Mengilli
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Re: ScaleTool exits on marker placement with ERROR

Post by Uğur Mengilli » Fri Nov 20, 2020 8:07 pm

Hi Ayman,

Thank you for the quick response. I moved all files into one folder, but it didn't work too. I run the script directly in the terminal, i.e, python, and this worked for Rajagopal's model. I thought that it was due to PyCharm since the code wasn't working only in the IDE. However, reinstalling PyCharm didn't worked.

I reinstalled Anaconda and the libs with python 3.7.9. Thankfully, this solved the problem and I can run the script in PyCharm too.

The problem was misleading since it was reported as an access violation error in the middle of the marker placement. I also wouldn't expect that the new packages or updates would corrupt opensim libs, and I still doubt that it did. For the record, I'm copying the error below.

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Wrote model file subject05_scaled_only.osim from model loadedwalking_subject05
Loaded marker file motion_capture_processed.trc (64 markers, 441 frames)
Averaged frames from time 0 to 3.77 in motion_capture_processed.trc (frames 1 to 378)
Deleted 67 unused markers from model loadedwalking_subject05

Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
Thanks for the support.

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Uğur Mengilli
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Re: ScaleTool exits on marker placement with ERROR

Post by Uğur Mengilli » Fri Nov 27, 2020 12:16 pm

Hi again,

I've posted the issue in PyCharm forums:

I've tried to explain the issue in detail (as I believe I caught it) and how to (possibly) reproduce it. Maybe it helps people having similar issues.
