Relativ Path File for "Prescribed_Controller"

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Wahyu Kasendra Sugiarto
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Relativ Path File for "Prescribed_Controller"

Post by Wahyu Kasendra Sugiarto » Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:02 am

Hey all,

i have a problem about the path file (<controls_file>) for <PrescribedController>. I want to change the file path to relativ path file, so that it can be opened, if i send the model data to somebody without any changes to the file path in the model file. (The path file below is path file to my computer)
ControlFile.png (63.24 KiB) Viewed 391 times
I have tried to place the control file (Prescribed_mit_Last_von_1kg.sto) in the same folder of the model file (.osim) and changed the file path on <controls_file> with only the name of the control file (<controls_file>Prescribed_mit_Last_von_1kg.sto</controls_file>), but it can't be opened because of this error below. Can somebody help me with this? It's very important for me to be able to do this.
ControlFileError.png (32.97 KiB) Viewed 391 times
Best regards


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Thomas Uchida
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Re: Relativ Path File for "Prescribed_Controller"

Post by Thomas Uchida » Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:01 am

I don't have files to reproduce and test, but I think the issue is that the path must be specified relative to OpenSim's working directory, not relative to the directory that contains the model file. The working directory is the directory in which the out.log and err.log files appear.