Difficulty getting Geometry to Load in Tutorial1-Bouncing Sphere and Tutorial 2 Bouncing Ellipsoids
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:42 pm
Good Morning,
I need some guidance.
I am working through the tutorial provided in Contact Modeling with OpenSim: a User's Approach. I am unable to load the .osim file (for either model) in the OpenSim GUI. For the bouncing sphere, it gives me this error:
Loaded model bouncing_sphere from file /Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 1 - Bouncing Sphere/bouncing_sphereA.osim
Visualizer couldn't open sphere1.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 1 - Bouncing Sphere/Geometry/sphere1.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:310:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Expected to see document tag <VTKFile> but saw <_Root> instead.
(Required condition 'vtp.getRootTag() == "VTKFile"' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
For the bouncing ellipsoids it gives me this error:
Loaded model bouncing_ellipsoidsA from file /Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/bouncing_ellipsoidsA.osim
Visualizer couldn't open sphere_display.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/sphere_display.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:108:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml file '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/sphere_display.vtp' with error 'Error reading Element value. (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
Visualizer couldn't open ellipsoid_display.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/ellipsoid_display.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:108:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml file '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/ellipsoid_display.vtp' with error 'Error reading Element value. (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
I have looked for a similar error on the forum: Geometry that Displayed Properly in OpenSim 3.3 Display Incorrrectly in OpenSim 4.x (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=12635&p=0&sta ... 5aa9197ba8) . The guidance given is that the VTK is no longer being used. How do I modify the mesh files associated with these tutorials so that they will work with OpenSim 4.1 ?
Thank you for you help.
I need some guidance.
I am working through the tutorial provided in Contact Modeling with OpenSim: a User's Approach. I am unable to load the .osim file (for either model) in the OpenSim GUI. For the bouncing sphere, it gives me this error:
Loaded model bouncing_sphere from file /Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 1 - Bouncing Sphere/bouncing_sphereA.osim
Visualizer couldn't open sphere1.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 1 - Bouncing Sphere/Geometry/sphere1.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:310:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Expected to see document tag <VTKFile> but saw <_Root> instead.
(Required condition 'vtp.getRootTag() == "VTKFile"' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
For the bouncing ellipsoids it gives me this error:
Loaded model bouncing_ellipsoidsA from file /Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/bouncing_ellipsoidsA.osim
Visualizer couldn't open sphere_display.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/sphere_display.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:108:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml file '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/sphere_display.vtp' with error 'Error reading Element value. (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
Visualizer couldn't open ellipsoid_display.vtp because:
SimTK Exception thrown at PolygonalMesh.cpp:411:
Error detected by Simbody method PolygonalMesh::loadVtpFile(): Attempt to load a VTK PolyData (.vtp) file from file name '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/ellipsoid_display.vtp' failed with message:
SimTK Exception thrown at Xml.cpp:108:
Error detected by Simbody method Xml::readFromFile(): Failed to load the Xml file '/Users/ruthann/Documents/OpenSim/4.1/Models/Tutorial 2 - Bouncing Ellipsoids/Geometry/ellipsoid_display.vtp' with error 'Error reading Element value. (line=0, col=0)'.
(Required condition 'loadOK' was not met.)
(Required condition '!"failed"' was not met.)
I have looked for a similar error on the forum: Geometry that Displayed Properly in OpenSim 3.3 Display Incorrrectly in OpenSim 4.x (viewtopicPhpbb.php?f=91&t=12635&p=0&sta ... 5aa9197ba8) . The guidance given is that the VTK is no longer being used. How do I modify the mesh files associated with these tutorials so that they will work with OpenSim 4.1 ?
Thank you for you help.