Matlab commands for creating scale setup file
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:48 am
I am trying to replicate Gait2354 model's scale setup file (provided in the OpenSim distribution) using matlab. I need some guidance in setting marker pair names.
But i get an error. I doubt whether the argument is in ArrayStr form. Some help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I am trying to replicate Gait2354 model's scale setup file (provided in the OpenSim distribution) using matlab. I need some guidance in setting marker pair names.
I tried with the following commands in matlab to set the marker names:<MarkerPair name="">
<!--Names of two markers, the distance between which is used to compute a body scale factor.-->
<markers> V.Sacral Top.Head </markers>
Code: Select all
>> myMarkerPair=MarkerPair()
myMarkerPair =
>> myArrayStr=ArrayStr()
myArrayStr =
>> myArrayStr.set(0,'V.Sacral');
>> myArrayStr.set(1,'Top.Head');
>> myMarkerPair.setMarkerName(myArrayStr);
No method 'setMarkerName' with matching signature found for class 'org.opensim.modeling.MarkerPair'.
Thanks in advance