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Failed to open model

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 1:08 am
by carvell
I having problem to open the model, I have an issue with OpenSim software and I don't know how to fix it. I would appreciate if anyone can advise me. Thank you

Updating Model file from 20303 to latest format...
Loaded model 3DGaitModel2392 from file C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\OpenSim\4.1\Models\Gait2392_Simbody\gait2392_simbody.osim
ControllerSet 'Controllers' was renamed and is being reset to 'controllerset'.
ComponentSet 'MiscComponents' was renamed and is being reset to 'componentset'.

Re: Failed to open model

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 8:59 am
by aymanh
Hi Carvell,

The fact that you see these messages suggests that model was indeed opened. What likely happened is a visualization issue where the model is not displayed in the graphics window as expected. The explanation and possible workaround depends on the details, so if you can describe what exactly happens in the application we could try to help you out.

In many cases the issue has to do with permissions and they go away if you install and/or run as an administrator on the computer.

Hope this helps,