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Matlab Vs CPP

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:01 pm
by sreejan
Dear all,
I am learning to script OpenSim files using the API method. I am just starting and have a long way to go, to involve OpenSim simulations in my exoskeleton research. Please suggest (with your experience), if Matlab or CPP is better for my case. I am hoping to use a fast and quick way to script files (considering errors and compatibility, also libraries).

Also, please let me know where I can see example code structure for all commands available either in Matlab or CPP.
For example; I was trying to use the "Weldjoint" command in Matlab but doesn't have the code structure and I cannot find it. In Doxygen I could find the command but I'm not sure how to connect a parent element. ... Joint.html