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OpenSim files help

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 1:59 pm
by obidah.alawneh

I am a beginner with OpenSim, and I've gone through the documentation and the tutorials, but now that Im starting to work on my project, Im finding it difficult to know how to get most of the files, for example I dont know where can I get xml files from, or how to do scaling without the use of trc data.

If anyone that is experienced with OpenSim is willing to have a quick zoom call to explain to me some of the issues Im facing that would be great, in the mean time an explanation of how to get xml files and do manual scaling would be wonderful as well.

Thank you,

Re: OpenSim files help

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:25 pm
by aymanh

Thanks for reaching out and for your interest in OpenSim. Considering the small size of our development
team and the thousands of users we support regularly, it is not practical for us to have one-on-one meetings
with users. The best way we found to help the community is to have questions posted on this user forum.

This allows different team members and/or collaborators to help and makes the answers available to the whole
user community going forward.

All the best,