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Joint reaction forces

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:15 am
by valente
This is an easy but fundamental question: is there a way in OpenSim to calculate the joint reaction forces? For example, for the hip joint (spherical), ID and RRA (Actuation_force.sto) results give the 3 net moments, and from CMC Actuation_force file you can see muscles forces values. What about the reaction forces at the joint?
Did anyone find a way to solve this problem?

RE: Joint reaction forces

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:11 pm
by aymanh
Hi Giordano,

We had an experimental joint-reaction computation but we haven't exposed it in version 1.8.1 because it was still undergoing some testing. Testing is now complete and the next release of OpenSim will have joint-reactions available.

Best regards,

RE: Joint reaction forces

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:52 am
by valente
Is it possible to know when the new release will be available?