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Plugin which changes existing OpenSim files

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:17 am
by st115990

thanks again for solving my last issue regarding a new muscle model plugin. Additionaly I try to generate a new wrapping algorithm, which was introduced by Hammer et al 2020 ... 6418302542.
I succeded to implement the algorithm in a selfbuild version of OpenSim. Now I try to put the algorithm into a plugin which I could share among others. By doing so, I ran into the following problem:

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl SimTK::DefaultGeometry::drawPathPoint(class SimTK::MobilizedBodyIndex const &,class SimTK::Vec<3,double,1> const &,class SimTK::Vec<3,double,1> const &,class SimTK::Array_<class SimTK::DecorativeGeometry,unsigned int> &)" (?drawPathPoint@DefaultGeometry@SimTK@@SAXAEBVMobilizedBodyIndex@2@AEBV?$Vec@$02N$00@2@1AEAV?$Array_@VDecorativeGeometry@SimTK@@I@2@@Z) referenced in function "protected: virtual void __cdecl OpenSim::GeometryPath::generateDecorations(bool,class OpenSim::ModelDisplayHints const &,class SimTK::State const &,class SimTK::Array_<class SimTK::DecorativeGeometry,unsigned int> &)const " (?generateDecorations@GeometryPath@OpenSim@@MEBAX_NAEBVModelDisplayHints@2@AEBVState@SimTK@@AEAV?$Array_@VDecorativeGeometry@SimTK@@I@5@@Z) Libraries - osimViaEllipse C:\opensim-core\OpenSim\Plugins\ViaEllipsePlugin\build\GeometryPath.obj

To clarify my setup a bit:
To create the plugin I added one new class called WrapViaEllipse(.cpp/.h) and needed to modify the GeometryPath(.cpp/.h)

Now I'm unsure if it is possible to generate plugins which modify already existing files in OpenSim like GeometryPath(.cpp/.h).
Or do I need to go another way and include the wrapping feature and especially the GeometryPath changes into a new selfbuild OpenSim version?

Thanks for the answer.
