IMU Inverse Kinematics Tool

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Andrea Braschi
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Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2021 2:42 am

IMU Inverse Kinematics Tool

Post by Andrea Braschi » Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:53 am

Hi all,

I am trying to perform Inverse Kinematics using IMU data and the OpenSim (version 4.1) API with MATLAB.

As I run IK, here is the error that I get:

Java exception occurred:
java.lang.RuntimeException: AssemblySolver::assemble() Failed: SimTK Exception thrown at Assembler.cpp:227:
Error detected by Simbody method AssemblerSystem::objectiveFunc(): calcGoal() method of assembly condition
OrientationSensors returned a negative or non-finite value -nan(ind).
(Required condition 'goalValue >= 0' was not met.)

Any idea on what I should be looking at to fix this issue?

Many thanks in advance,

Andrea Braschi


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Jobin Geevarghese ThampI
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2022 10:42 am

Re: IMU Inverse Kinematics Tool

Post by Jobin Geevarghese ThampI » Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:34 pm

did you fixed?