Possibility of scaling .TRC files

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Chris Lamb
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Possibility of scaling .TRC files

Post by Chris Lamb » Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:59 pm

Hello Opensim members,

In a project I'm undertaking, I have .TRC files from VICON motion capture software. We're trying to perform inverse kinematics with 3 different scaling setups, but the trace files are from a relatively short person. Is there a way to effectively "blow up" the .trc file point locations to run IK more accurately with larger models?
Is our only solution to get motion capture data of larger individuals?

Thanks for your time.
Chris :mrgreen:


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Carmichael Ong
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Re: Possibility of scaling .TRC files

Post by Carmichael Ong » Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:54 pm

Check out the documentation on the Scale Tool: https://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu/d ... im/Scaling

Instead of scaling your marker data, you can take a trial with the individual with a static pose to get the model to match the subject from your trial. This could be especially important if you do any analysis beyond inverse kinematics as well.