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Inverse dynamics not writing output file

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:18 am
by ahenry
I am attempting to setup the inverse dynamics tool via python to run ID on multiple models and trials. I have gotten the inverse dynamics tool to run as I receive a 'True' when using the run() method. However, I am not seeing any .sto file being created despite having the results directory and output_gen_force_file directory set. I have also checked my out.log file and no errors appear to show up. I am attaching my ID and external loads xml files for reference.

Additionally, the Kernel crashes every other time I run the inverse dynamics tool. I am not sure why it runs successfully (albeit without creating a results file) and then crashes when I run it a second time.

Any advice is welcome!

Re: Inverse dynamics not writing output file

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:31 pm
by aymanh

output_gen_force_file is just a file name and shouldn't include full path specification. There's a separate "results_directory" property for this specific purpose. We should give better diagnostics if that's the issue but please let us know if that takes care of it.

Best regards,

Re: Inverse dynamics not writing output file

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 2:24 pm
by ahenry
Hi Ayman,
Yes, removing the specific file path on the output_gen_force_file did the trick.