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Joints moments equilibrium

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:07 am
by valente
Using my model, I computed the net joints moments and muscles forces running Inverse Dynamics and CMC. Calculating the internal moments for any dof, obtained from the sum of the products of the computed forces times moment arms of the muscles acting on the dofs during gait, I realize that they don't equal the net moments (often showing a large error) computed from ID and RRA. The same issue happens running, with the default setups, ID, RRA and CMC using, e.g., Gait2354 model. Does anyone have experienced this problem concerning joints moments equilibrium (widely) non verified, and what might it depend on?
Thank you.


RE: Joints moments equilibrium

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:57 am
by aymanh
Dear Giordano,

The simulations published using OpenSim, has been "widely verified" by the group at Stanford! (I can't account for uses/simulations outside Stanford). You just need to account for residuals and reserves if any when computing joint moments.

Hope this helps,