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Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:58 am
by esawertoldo
Greetings everyone,

I'm currenlty working with the MOBL_ARMS model and I'm having some issues regarding muscles' passive behaviour.
Right now I'm focused on the flexion and extension of the elbow, each one performed in a different configuration (elbow flexion: arm down with elbow flexion = 7.615, elbow extension: shoulder_elv = 130, elbow_flexion = 130; in both configurations the only free cordinate is elbow_flexion), and running the forward dynamics tool without any muscle activation leads to odd results with extremely high passive forces, especially for the extension configuration since when running the simulation the arm extends on its own due to the high passive forces.

Has anyone had similar problems or knows how to solve them?

Also, since the simulations take way too long, I would like to modify the model keeping only the most relevant muscles to perform elbow flexion/extension and forearm prontion/supination, anyone has any suggestion about which muscles to keep without risking to unbalance the model?