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How to scale a model based on body measurement?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:47 am
by pablo_delgado

I am working with Opensense, I have the orientation information coming from 3 different sensors placed on the upper body of a subject (Clavicle, Humerus, and Radius). With this information I know I can compute ik, however, I would like to scale the musculoskeletal model to the dimensions of a given subject. Assuming that I have collected the subject dimensions, how can I scale the model? I know I can do it automatically if I have markers and the trc-file for the markers positions, however, in this case I do not have such information.


Pablo Delgado

Re: How to scale a model based on body measurement?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 2:29 pm
by tkuchida
If you have measurements of the body segments, you could use "manual scale factors" in the Scale Tool to scale a model. This is described in the "Using Manual Scale Factors" section of the "How to Use the Scale Tool" page in the documentation ( ... aleFactors).