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Get customjoint in Python to work (solved)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:16 am
by sietse
I really am struggling to get a customjoint in Python.
Concretely, how do I translate this fragment from an example from testJoints.cpp into python?

Code: Select all

    SpatialTransform hipTransform;
            OpenSim::Array<std::string>("hip_q0", 1, 1));
    hipTransform[0].setFunction(new LinearFunction());
      CustomJoint hip("hip", ground, hipInPelvis, Vec3(0), osim_thigh, hipInFemur,
            Vec3(0), hipTransform);
In python hipTransform is not subscriptable.

UPDATE: Finally cracked it.

Code: Select all

spatialTransform = osim.SpatialTransform()
pupdown= osim.ArrayStr()
Note the different set_function().

Thanks in advance, Sietse