Simulating harness loadcell reading as ExternalForce through external loads file

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Simulating harness loadcell reading as ExternalForce through external loads file

Post by RANDHEER SINGH » Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:07 pm

How can we add external(other than GRF) point force to a body?
I am trying to simulate a load cell data (which I recorded from an experiment) on the back of the LFB model while lifting a task. I have gone through two articles where ideal actuators ared used to find optimal force for them to reduce the metabolic cost of running and walking. But in this case I need to apply an external point force as a function of time (not optimization). So,I have tried to apply this external force through the external loads file (GRF+Loadcell data). However I have specified 4 sets of (px,py,pz,fx,fy,fz,mx,my,mz) forces applied to 4 different bodies (calcn_r, calcn_l, sacrum, neck joint) while specifying the external loads file. But after inverse dynamics there is no change in joint moments as compared to no external point force case. Also I can not see any other force (other than GRF) applied to the bodies when I use the associate motion option while playing the simulation. Can anyone help me? Will be agreat help.
file used for external load simulation
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Alexandra Dunning
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Re: Simulating harness loadcell reading as ExternalForce through external loads file

Post by Alexandra Dunning » Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:15 pm

Hey, did you ever get this to work? I am also trying to simulate 4 external forces and only 2 are showing up? Thanks!